Friday, 22 July 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Review

When the original was released on the N64 back in 1997, this game consumed me. I'd played computer games since the original NES was released, but my playtime was only what I'd class as casual. I received OOT for Christmas, and instantly ran upstairs to my room to play it, forsaking all other presents! I barely left my room until January 17th when I had completed it. I was completely absorbed, I did every side-quest, spoke to every NPC and collected every gold Skulltulla! I was so into the game I even recorded all of the cut-scenes onto VHS and started writing on my own sequel!

I never thought I'd feel the same way about a game again, and over the years since I've tried replaying OOT around the same time as the newest entry has been released trying to figure out why I was so drawn into that vision of Hyrule and not so much with the rest.

It wasn't until I played the remastered edition on 3DS did I get this feeling again. It must have been at least four years since my last play through. I had first sampled the 3DS version at a sneak peek event held by Nintendo a few months before release and while I came away feeling impressed I had no idea this would consume me all over again.

Starting off in Kokiri forest my breath was instantly taken away with the particles and fairies flying around my head. I played around with the 3D for a bit, trying to find what was best, I always seem most comfortable with the slider on full. I used the forest as my playground, getting used to the controls, and how the depth would affect game play. It probably wasn't until I fought Ghoma that the depth really aided with game play. There were a few instances like this throughout the game where the depth really helps. Now after completing the game I'd say it definitely helps, in more of subtle way than say Pilotwings Resort, which is no bad thing.

Graphically the game is stunning, I'm glad they retained the blocky N64 look of the original, but upgraded the textures so parts of the game feel new, such as Castle Town and Kakariko Village. The character designs are great and the movement is more fluid. The only bad point would be the water, the colour has changed and is a bit too green, which makes its N64 water animation look even more antiquated.

There are a few new parts to this game, such as a Boss mode, where you fight them back to back. Theres a Gossip stone in the Temple of Time which gives you 'Super Guide' style hint movies, and then there is the remastered Master Quest also included. I've not yet played this, but will post a separate mini-review later down the line.

Overall this game has really impressed me, its not just a re-release but the developers Grezzo have actually spent time and care tweaking parts here and there. This is without a doubt the first platform defining title to hit the 3DS and am sure it will help the systems slower than expected start. My only concern is that Nintendo may not follow through and give us a remastered Majoras Mask. If they did I really would be a happy boy! Please Nintendo!

I'd rate this title: 5/5


  1. great review. I thought to myself, hmm nothing about the story but then I ALWAYS skip that when I read reviews. it might be worth noting that not everyone reading it will have played it and or have knowledge on it.....amazing review for me though, I must only to remember to gag and bag you next time I see you and run away with your ds. I still havent played mm. I. am thinking of dl dolphin and playing ww again tho! only thing is, is it a Rom based emulator.....might make a nice sideline section for you sknygy?

  2. you sir are a douche. how can you continue to breathe without experiencing the apolocalyptic word of majora. Its dark. Its beautiful.

  3. I believe the proper word officially is Dusche which is "shower" in German, a concept of which by the smell of things, you know little!

    I believe the correct response now is "touche"

  4. your forgetting French! Douche!
