Thursday, 4 August 2011

Obsidian: The era of console exclusives just beginning?

One thing that is tricky with the next gen, and is beginning to be tricky with this gen, is that [the platform holders] seem to be splitting and going in their own directions with features. You have Move, you have Kinect, the Wii, and Wii U now.

What we want when we make a game is for it to be as good an experience as possible for people and we want as many people as possible to be able to play it, so there are those competing pressures.

If you make a Kinect game it has to be Xbox exclusive. If you're using Kinect to its fullest there's no way you can make it a PS3 game. Same with the Wii U. You can't take a Wii U game that has a second screen and make it on... well I don't know what all the features of the next PlayStation and Xbox controllers are going to be, but I'm going to assume they don't have a screen on them.

It's going to be very tricky to make really great experiences for that which can be cross platform. It'll be an interesting challenge how devs adopt those features and, indeed, whether or not they do. - Dungeon Siege III lead designer Nathaniel Chapman, Obsidian

This comes from what I'd class as a talented developer, I'm pretty sure Ubisoft wouldnt loose any sleep at night porting their tripe to every platform under the sun - who cares if it doesnt control right or look presentable? 



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