Thursday 1 September 2011

More Spirit Photo Details

- Game is a co-production involving both Nintendo and Keisuke Kikuchi’s studio at Tecmo
- AR notebook will have hidden messages, clues to your past, demos
- Published by Nintendo

“I wasn’t all that interested in AR to start with, but as I explored the possibilities, I really started to get into it. I thought we could really do something with it if we combined our traditional strengths in horror and adventure with the AR technology. It was a big challenge, but we went through with it, and the result is this style of horror that does away with the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural.”

“One big theme during development was how to incorporate AR into an adventure game. I think we succeeded in achieving that, because the story uses AR consistently right up to the ending. Compared to previous Fatal Frame titles, though, there isn’t as much actual time spent with the game itself — that’s because you’ll also be spending time turning pages on the AR notebook and looking around in real life instead of moving your character around within the game.” Keisuke Kikuchi, producer Fatal Frame

Heres hoping that Nintendo of Europe has got our backs!



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