Sunday 17 July 2011

Crytek on Wii U

NG: Crytek’s interested in the Wii U. What do you make of the platform?
CJ: It’s something we’re really interested in. There are a load of Nintendo fans at Crytek, right up to the top of the company. We were unfortunately unable to support the last generation of Wii because it would have been quite an engineering effort to take the engine down to that level of hardware.
So we were quite excited to see a new level of hardware come out that we think we can support, do some good stuff with, and it’s something we’re currently experimenting with.
NG: So you’ve got Wii U dev kits?
CJ: I haven’t seen them myself.
NG: Is there a market for core gaming on Wii U?
CJ: I really hope so but I don’t think it’s a necessary part of their strategy. The Wii is great at the games people like playing on it. I’m not sure yet what Nintendo’s strategy might be for hardcore.
I don’t know if we’ll see flagship core titles on that platform – as a fan of Nintendo I’d love to see it personally, but I also enjoy playing the non-core titles a great deal.
Whether or not we need core titles as well, we’ll see. That’ll be up to the consumer. But if you can get the same visual quality from Wii U as from other platforms, then why not?
NG: So we could see a colourful, CryEngine 3-powered Wii U platformer from Crytek?
CJ: Well, never write anything off. We’re experimenting all the time; we have a large number of very creative people with a lot of great ideas at the studio. Never say never; we’ll have to wait and see.



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