Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Nintendo "extremely big title"

UPDATE: Fox Business has confirmed Nintendo is indeed holding an event on 13th Setpember focussing on the 3DS. I will be updating the site throughout the day on the 13th so come back to POWER UP to get the latest news from Tokyo!

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Inside games, is reporting that they too have heard about the 3DS event on Sept 13th but have followed up with a more exciting morsel of information...Nintendo is planning on announcing an extremely big title!

As the 3DS event is still yet to be confirmed, and it supposedly happens days before TGS. May we even see a joint 3DS and Wii U event?

We've already heard that Resident Evil 6 is meant to be announced around TGS! What could be better than that? Could this be Dragon Quest X related? There are so many possibilities!



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