Monday 5 September 2011

Dragon Quest X

This morning Square-Enix held a press conference to "announce the next Dragon Quest title", having previously announced DQX for Wii back in 2008 it wasn't clear if this announcement was regarding this elusive title or another...

Square-Enix confirmed that Dragon Quest X: The Five Races Online will see release on Wii and Wii U sometime in 2012. The Wii U version will have enhanced visuals. The titles will feature cross-platform play and also 3DS connectivity. They also confirmed that at some point there will be a Beta version, so pay attention to the official site for more details. More details and videos of the game below....

- Made by Square Enix
- Online RPG
- Takes place in Astortia
- This place has five continents and five races
- Huge story
- Ogre, elf, dwarf, pukuripo, and Wedi classes
- Make your own character
- Can choose to play alone
- Can play alone with NPCs
- Commands are comparable to past games in the series
- Yosuke Saito is leading the project
- Saito is the producer
- Change occupations with a job system
- Alchemist is one job type
- Events tie into different seasons (like holidays)
- More quests after release
- Additional quests will be available at the same time as they were in IX, possibly sooner
- Multiple volumes for some quests
- Can be involved with crafting professions
- Alchemy: add on attributes to current items, not new items
- Can become famous (sort of) as other players equip your crafted items
- Customize inside/outside housing
- Assist fallen players
- Check out other players who are fighting
- Job and race attributes for characters
- Make a party in the pub
- Other parties can choose to use your character
- Players around you will be translucent and will cheer you on
- Sugiyama: handling new music
- Make weapons that others use
- Can apply for beta (requires USB storage)
- Battles: character can attack after a certain amount of time
- Interact with others online through emotes
- Chat bubbles will appear when you speak
- Skill points (gained when you level up) allow you to customize your character
- Sewing system: others can make clothes


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